A deceptively cute, deceivingly challenging abstract strategy game for two players.
Generated at 6/14/23, 4:27 PM from 1000 logged games.
Representative game (in the sense of being of mean length). Wherever you see the 'representative game' referred to in later sections, this is it!
These are abbreviated rules. the full rules are available to download on BGG.
Make a line of three Cats to win.
Each player starts the game with 8 Kittens in their pool.
Each turn, a player adds a piece to the board from their pool, then boops (pushes one space) any adjacent pieces.
When a player makes a line of three or more, they choose one such line and remove those Kittens from the game. They add a corresponding number of Cats to their pool instead.
If all 8 pieces belonging to a player are on the board, they may remove and promote a single piece.
General comments:
Play: Combinatorial
Mechanism(s): Capture,Territory
BGG Entry | Boop. |
BGG Rating | 7.19987 |
#Voters | 992 |
SD | 1.49348 |
BGG Weight | 1.5385 |
#Voters | 13 |
Year | 2022 |
User | Rating | Comment |
Smirky | 10 | Such a smart, clever abstract. (in a cute wrapper) |
LightningMcKing | 9.5 | |
astamatis06 | 7 | 2022 release |
BGYI | 7 | 2 players Easy Philly |
ia2ca | 10 | |
SadManda | 10 | |
CooperSheldon | 10 | |
HistorianTeacher | 8 | A nice little two-player abstract game whose visual simplicity masks some really great strategic gameplay. The artwork is endearing, and the game teaches quickly. A definite recommendation for fans of abstracts. |
IsItMyTurnYet | N/A | On BGA |
bunoc | 7 | Core abstract game. If you match your piece together, they will "boop." away. So the way to get them close is place them apart and boop. them together later. Can be play with any pieces/cube on a 6x6 grid |
Gkbinger | N/A | BGA |
dcoffer | 3 | The concept is cute but the theme of cats is all that's going well for this game. A price of anything over $20 is crazy for a game played on a 6x6 grid with a few cat meeples thrown in. I can't wrap my mind around anyone paying $40 for boop. The movement is basic as you try to boop your opponents kittens off the bed while aligning your own to transform them to cats. I'd much rather play Onitama or even Chess before boop. My fuzzy friend and I are just going to have to pass. |
Ray8808 | 10 | |
ElisaK | 9 | |
Corey6399 | N/A | 729 Smirk&Laughter Games |
cyakobch | 9 | My favorite abstract, and I don't usually like abstracts. |
jnharr | 5 | [tentative rating after one play] I suppose I can see some appeal here, but initial impressions weren't great. |
DanitCz | N/A | Kids |
googlies | N/A | P2W23 |
kelmarcos | 9 | |
Homey_Badger88 | 9 | |
AzkadorkableGamer | N/A | PR copy |
ManaGamesLNK | 9.5 | |
irianamistifi | N/A | PnP Build? |
FouDubulbe | 10 | |
PoisonousMushroom | 10 | |
DadCRausch | N/A | RKR Collection. |
CommanderWonton | N/A | For Leo? |
RycerzOrtalionu | 9 | |
ebee06 | 5 | played on BGA |
heavyarmzx0 | N/A | B&N - $37.70 |
Herzer | N/A | Delirium |
HollaMonkey | 6 | Game was interesting like an advanced version of tic tac toe, would have rated it higher except the components are annoying. The cats would constantly fall down and then if accidentally bumped the quilt it knocked everything over and off. Maybe bigger cats or less quilt. |
Iamnotarobot2 | N/A | 2023 GW PnW |
babbygrill | 10 | |
RollNRock | 10 | |
soundsofentropy | 9 | |
art_guy | 9 | |
Bossietj | N/A | Didn't play this enough to properly judge. |
Caloryn91 | N/A | 2 players |
adesireg | 7 | Kids Overpriced. It should be a $15-$20 game max. Game is ok. |
stuffbybez | 9.1 | Very much enjoying. + simple, intuitive + 'easy mode' is still a worthwhile game + with the advancing it starts become more strategic (not just tactical) + cute - is there a hypothetical stalemate? Will be curious to know how it feels after 100 games. The heart of a brilliant 2p abstract, with a veneer of cute. |
NicoleBrady | 10 | There's a lot more strategy to boop. than the cute little cat and kitten meeples would lend you to believe. The more you play, the more you'll see the depth required to win against more strategic players. Of course, part of the charm of this game is the feel you get from playing it in person. If you've only had a chance to play digital versions then you're really missing out. Check with your local game store to see if they have it in stock or will be restocking soon. |
Jackielee389 | 9 | |
DYE_LON | 10 | Delightful, cute, and fun. Definitely solid excitement for all ages; highly recommend making cat noises during gameplay! Hilarious! Easy to teach, addicting to replay. Great short games! If you keep hitting an impasse, you're probably not implementing much strategy. |
dumplingowl | 9 | |
TemplarGaming | 9 | |
Sarimrune | 9 | |
dearphilly | 7 | Super cute game! But won't buy personally as I don't get many 2 player opportunities and box is quite bulky. Nice wooden components reflected in price. Takes a while to improve so need to play someone of the same level as you. Cats love boxes IYKYK ;) |
BigGorramHero | 10 | |
Cuboid | 9.5 | |
emily_joy | 9 | |
WolfStar76 | 9 | |
pbjblitzkrieg | 9 | Brilliant game all around. Love the nuances of having a kitten vs cat. Also love the multiple winning conditions. I really wished there were cards or something to “Jazz” up the gameplay more but this game is VERY easy to learn. |
brothervm | 7 | Couple of games and it's fun and bouncy and whimsical. I'm sure there's some strategy here, but also seems there is a good chance at reaching an impasse as our cats danced around each other for 60+ turns until someone made a mistake. |
HercMec | 10 | |
grasa_total | 5 | I've struggled a little with other "play a piece, it moves other pieces" abstracts because so often it feels like you have to do everything the hard way. You can't just put a piece where you want, it'll move the piece you wanted it to be next to! [i]boop.[/i] has the same element at first, but then takes it away. And it turns out I miss it! Once you have two kittens in a row, you can just drop a third kitten to make the row of three, since with another cat in the way, there's no booping. So [i]boop.[/i] seesaws between making your life too hard and making it too easy. It also moves from too crowded to too empty a little fast, as making any row of three leaves your position suddenly much less interesting by removing all three pieces! The sparring for position is still interesting; at a first approximation, the opponent can easily and severely interfere with anything you want to do, so the question is how valuable you can make the ruined scraps of your previous plan. That's a gametype I like. But at very few moments was this in the sweet spot for implementations of that type. Update: The designer wrote, in a BGG design diary, that originally the game only had one type of piece, and ended with a line of three. I think that version would be better; the mid-game reset as players get cats really doesn't do much for me. Either way, I like Phil Leduc's [i]Momentum[/i] more than this. |
HyperVyper | 9.5 | |
Theokg | 10 | |
hyggeministeren | 2 | Poorly designed, boring and repetitive. But at least we got some cute cats to look at eh. Next time the designer should focus on gameplay first and aesthetics second. |
galabouttown | 7 | 65 |
ChanceSteel | 9 | Easy to get to the table. Quick to teach. |
Kocumo | 10 | Fun cute but still a thinker game. So much fun with unexpected cutthroat moves |
epok79 | N/A | pnp |
KattyOne | 10 | |
pblindauer | 10 | |
Edysseus Games | 8 | étonnamment excellent petit jeu abstrait |
jessea3 | 8 | The game is totally abstract and could, in fact, be played with pennies, dimes and lines in the dirt, but it is rare and refreshing to find a game where such attention has been paid to the details, ensuring that the backstory matches the abstract mechanic. While it could be played without the cats, somehow I don't think it would be nearly as much fun..... |
raculot | 10 | |
KittyPoo | 10 | |
Wigginns | 9 | |
PackPact | 9 | |
graveyjones | 9 | |
dranawor | 9 | |
Bbilsen | 7 | Easy, quick, fun |
DearGeorgina | 5 | Very cute, but the mid-game just drags on and on. |
DTWLibrary | N/A | 35C |
Azelf | 10 | |
ellipses | 9 | |
StuartN | 9 | |
glsonn | N/A | Cute version of Gekitai^2. |
xXVegasXx | 9 | |
kbobby | 9 | |
ifmeeplescouldtalk | 9 | |
jacobcdotson | 9 | This game joins Calico as a deceptively cute, cat themed game that is prone to give a headache. Simple yet hard, this is an abstract treat for two players. |
SuePlays | 9 | |
Squdler | 9 | |
darthziggy | 8.5 | Played this at Geekway to the West (convention in St. Louis). Loved it. A fun, Chess or Go like abstract strategy game, with a cute theme. Pre-ordered it ASAP. |
armigero | N/A | game summary complete |
ex1st | 9 | Not got this yet, but it is going to be good. |
Electropuncher | 9 | Definitely a surprise. I was expecting a cute game that would come and go. This one made me want to go again very quickly. Aggressively cute, too. |
biggoatgruff | 10 | Too cool for school. Tic tac toe on steroids. I played with another old foggy on Christmas eve and the kids never got a chance because we just kept at it for hours. Finally the fire went out and we went to bed. I dreamt of kittens! |
GO_LSU | 9.5 | |
ErnestTBass | 9 | |
Angelbigfoot | 8 | One of the cutest game, not just in it's game components, but also in it's mechanics. |
Ciera66 | N/A | Two Player Only Abstract Strategy |
hansonl | 9 | |
GrapeGrrl | 8 | The cats are adorable. The game premise is adorable. It seems like it should be pretty straightforward play to win. But this game is deceptively hard, and you really need to play a few times before you start to get the hang of how to win. But I'm getting there, and in the meantime I'm having a lot of fun. PS I love saying 'boop' whenever I place one of my kittens on the board. |
Backwards | 10 | |
SalemGreencat | 10 | |
InfiniteKraken | 9 | |
alobunko | 5.7 | Tried with player counts: 2 |
tabletopsubmarine | 10 | Such a wonderful abstract! Good in person and on the table. Rewards multiple plays and is welcoming to all gamers! |
Bloocoast | 5 | Fun twist on checkers but games can get exhausting and long. |
ciggie | 4 | A thinky abstract of playing a piece and it moves the other adjacent pieces. It's a very cute theme, but I felt like I was always playing defensive against my opponent and I could never get 3 kittens in a row to upgrade it to a cat so I never had a chance to win. I imagine if you like chess or similar games you'd like this, but for me it's a hard pass. |
astrikol | N/A | Second Collection |
StevenTM | 9.5 | |
brianisivever | 9 | |
CubitoAx | N/A | Bga |
AP14 | 9 | |
darkfinale | 1 | Abstract strategy (Not my type) Cute theme. |
gkaminag | 10 | |
campingcam64 | N/A | X No Expansions 0/5 times played |
exorcismo | N/A | Shobu follow up |
Dominikach | 9 | |
jpseymour2 | 9 | |
ECL1PSE | 8 | A shockingly fun abstract, simple, strategy game. I like games like this (Sensei being one of the best examples) and this one is straight up better than that |
zirlburg | 9 | |
aling5 | 9 | Gotta love those kitties! Don't let the cuteness fool you, though! This abstract strategy game requires some real thought! Highly recommended. |
WeLuvBGs | 9 | |
UnderTheRainbow | 9 | |
Grimoire_ | 6.5 | BGA - A quite thinky yet adorable version of tic tac toe. You try to align three of your kittens either horizontal, vertical, or diagonally. Which is alter as another kitten approach nearby. Digital implementation: Works well on mobile. |
foleto | 9 | Great game! and super cute. |
JessCS | N/A | DIY |
A_Fungi | 9 | |
Coralouwho | N/A | #LetterB #BGA |
aidolon | 7 | 2 Players Board |
Crikey | 9 | |
Slobby | 9 | |
dancdow | 9 | |
henryct | 9 | |
Lassie | 9 | |
gyroscope1045 | 7 | No Cards. Overproduced for what it is, but I enjoy the gameplay. Better on BGA. |
Mist314 | 10 | Great combination of theme and mechanics. Very approachable abstract game. High quality components (the quilt board is well done and holds the pieces well). |
Capital_T | N/A | PnP w/Paco Sako |
xanderbander1331 | 10 | Such a strategic game for such a cute concept. Reminds me of the GIPF series. |
alemfi | 8 | Very cute small abstract game |
skaanimal22 | 10 | |
WhiskeyNiner | 9 | |
alexanderandfriends | N/A | 2023 |
CapeFearGames | N/A | light |
DJDadJoke | N/A | JIll's! |
Szundimaci | 9.4 | |
iadena | 7 | A very cute and clever abstract game. Production is on point with the mat and tokens (kittens & cats). Plays very quickly and yet thinky. Would play again. |
mayowarlord | 9 | |
cardboardcorner | N/A | 3A |
DCHero | 9 | |
charleaux | 5 | Very cute theme but the game is just too abstract for my taste as I'm terrible at trying to plan a few moves ahead. The fact that your opponent is constantly moving your pieces definitely doesn't help. While it's not my cup of teas, fans of spatial abstract games would probbaly dig this one a lot. |
Hezza | N/A | A game with kitties called Boop?! I've done zero research, but don't feel any is needed. Take my money! How do I get a Boop pin?! *Update. Played twice, lost twice. Fun game though! |
evanvariano | 7 | You "own" this if you have a checkerboard. Though I like cute cats and the word boop, I wish a different theme were on this game. Great to see an abstract perform so well in the marketplace, though! The early game feels like "trying to nail jello to a wall" which is not my favorite type of play, but when a good move comes together, it's quite satisfying. The shockwave mechanic feels like hitting, which I think is why the first step in the ladder of strategy is so accessible. The designer noted that people don't report feeling "too dumb for the game." This is really really important for getting new players to engage in a 2p abstract. I think the reason why people are pleased to engage is because there is usually an option to move stuff around forcefully, which gives a feeling of agency. "I can't think good but I can hit hard." |
janglemangle | 4 | playing boop has one problem: i need someone who likes thinky abstracts but also likes saying boop and playing with cute cat components! it's either dead silent thinky, or cute booping no thinky!! and after, "that was cute, onto the next game." there is untapped potential here for an abstract i enjoy rather than a one-and-done experience |
FlattFam | 10 | |
Sahista | 10 | |
Forty8Shots | 9.2 | Initial rating based upon playing a friend's copy. |
fowerscoco | 7 | Very cute game and that's what sold it for us. Would probably recommend Hive or War chest instead. |
QuarterPounder | 10 | Perfectly themed and just mind-bending enough. Can't see room for any improvement. |
aronske417 | 6 | Solid 2 player. |
CdnTiger | N/A | Age 8-10 |
CDRodeffer | 5 | I want to like it, because I generally do like abstract strategy games, and this type of forward thinking game is the sort I generally play well. But I wonder if I'm missing something. Even so, it should make for a good game to include in my annual tournament of abstracts, and it might become a prize there. |
Carnage994 | 6 | A cute little 2 player abstract game that feels quite random at first, but the strategy starts to emerge with multiple plays. It feels a bit repetitive at some points, as each player successively bumps the other player over multiple turns. It isn’t great but it isn’t terrible either. |
ericbinnyc | 6.5 | A clever, if a bit unintuitive at first glance, abstract strategy game for two players. Not for cat lovers that don't also love brain-burning puzzles. |
vkshravi88 | 10 | |
Kiwimaru | 10 | Pros: Depth of strategies born out of simple rules Medium Duration of Gameplay: Not too short. Not too long. Unique Mechanic: The Booping Mechanic is new to me. Theme: Cuteness and Adorableness. Cons: Too costly - The cost likely comes from the quilt. But the game concept is so simple that I feel like it should be cheaper. |
behr77 | 4.5 | Cute abstract that I wouldn't have played if not for the very cute theme. Very similar to chess/checkers/go in some ways which just isn't my type of game. Likely has more depth if you continued to play it many times, but that's not something I will end up doing. Not for me. |
Demiss | 6.9 | Not my cup of tea, too streamlined perhaps ? (but that's also a quality obviously) |
Silver Fang | 9 | |
AmassGames | 5 | Oof, certainly a longer combinational abstract strategy game. A winning n-in-a-row game takes a long chain of combo moves. Fairly infuriating and longer than I feel it needs to be BGA www.youtube.com/amassgames for abstract strategy (and seperately) two player playlists |
BlueWaters | 9 | |
heathbarATL | 7 | (BGA) Cute and thinky abstract. |
drkenfp | 10 | Brilliant, elegant, and adorable. |
DaLeach | 10 | Amazing game. |
Born-of-Ashes | 8 | Such a cute theme! And it has super simple rules which lead to incredible depth. Even though it is a familiar three-in-a-row game, you’ll have to relearn all the tactics since threats are so easy to neutralize and in order to group your own pieces you need to come at them in a roundabout way. There is a rare chance for an endless loop, but when that novelty wears off you just break the cycle. I do feel like it can have a bit of a runaway leader if someone goes longer than 3 turns having cats while the other player doesn’t, but the learning curve is one game, so that is unlikely to be a factor after your first game. |
CutlassBoardgame | 10 | |
azuregamealcove | 10 | |
clarinet00 | N/A | PNP |
DkDM2l | 8 | Best with 2, Plays 2, 2 player only, Playtime 30 minutes, Script Completed, Box size 230mm x 230mm |
Andural69 | 5 | Interesting concept, but the your turns often feel non-important or even just random, no logic. And you can be on the verge of defeat for many turns and able to delay it, but you're going to lose eventually. |
GhoulTree | 10 | |
xenomorphical | 9 | |
Jessy C | 9 | |
drewtimmer | 2 | This is the most aggravating game. It's all just obnoxious "gotchas" and "take thats." |
holf | 8 | 三秒學會規則,過程卻很激烈的對弈遊戲!玩家一開始只有小貓棋子,當棋盤上三隻小貓連成直線可以變成大貓,遊戲目的是將三隻大貓連成直線,或是將所有的大貓放到棋盤上,而這遊戲的名稱來自於當你將棋子放到空位時,會將旁邊的所有棋子向外推一格;小貓只推得動小貓,大貓兩種都推得動。規則簡單,美術又萌,遊戲內容也是不簡單,除了一開始可能會因為想生出大貓造成一點僵局,也考驗了玩家間的實力拉鋸─不過一但眼殘也是會一敗塗地的! |
CyclonesFan | 9 | |
Toph | 10 | |
InsertUsernameHere | 7 | Played the BGA version |
bluesol | 8 | Wonderful abstract game that has layers of strategy that are not obvious, partially due to the cuteness of the theme. |
hiimjosh | 6 | One of the best light n-in-a-row games. You are trying to get 3-in-a-row with level 1 pieces which gives you level 2 pieces. The goal of the game is to get 3-in-a-row with level 2 pieces. When you place a level 1, it bumps all level 1 pieces in all 8 directions one space further. A level 2 bumps level 1's and 2's. It's a well-done game. I would happily play it any time and may even choose to come back to it every now and then. Worth checking out especially if you play with family. Label: Good But Not Great |
DazBro | 7.5 | BGA |
pdowen3 | 9 | Deceptively cute abstract. I got talked into picking this up at Euroquest 2022 (Annapolis), and I am not disappointed. My wife seems to like it (even though she doesn't generally go for open-information zero-luck abstracts), and it's really clever. Hope we get to play more. |
brutusbear | 8 | Cute Abstract game. Lots of strategy here. Bit tic tac toey. othello, reminds me of dragon face another good abstract cute theme keeper. $35 retail msrp seems high for what you get. |
a4_forever | N/A | Fat cat |
CHRISDH | 7 | This is a cute introduction to abstract games. Turns are quick and simple but still allow for a good amount of strategy. I can see playing this with family but it's too light for gamers. |
Size (bytes) | 29971 |
Reference Size | 10673 |
Ratio | 2.81 |
Ai Ai calculates the size of the implementation, and compares it to the Ai Ai implementation of the simplest possible game (which just fills the board). Note that this estimate may include some graphics and heuristics code as well as the game logic. See the wikipedia entry for more details.
Playouts per second | 46805.96 (21.36µs/playout) |
Reference Size | 2745744.10 (0.36µs/playout) |
Ratio (low is good) | 58.66 |
Tavener complexity: the heat generated by playing every possible instance of a game with a perfectly efficient programme. Since this is not possible to calculate, Ai Ai calculates the number of random playouts per second and compares it to the fastest non-trivial Ai Ai game (Connect 4). This ratio gives a practical indication of how complex the game is. Combine this with the computational state space, and you can get an idea of how strong the default (MCTS-based) AI will be.
Not enough data for an accurate prediction, or game does not support hashing
State space complexity (where present) is an estimate of the number of distinct game tree reachable through actual play. Over a series of random games, Ai Ai checks each position to see if it is new, or a repeat of a previous position and keeps a total for each game. As the number of games increase, the quantity of new positions seen per game decreases. These games are then partitioned into a number of buckets, and if certain conditions are met, Ai Ai treats the number in each bucket as the start of a strictly decreasing geometric sequence and sums it to estimate the total state space. The accuracy is calculated as 1-[end bucket count]/[starting bucklet count]
Label | Its/s | SD | Nodes/s | SD | Game length | SD |
Random playout | 46,534 | 99 | 3,654,699 | 7,049 | 79 | 19 |
search.UCT | 46,545 | 1,056 | 42 | 10 |
Random: 10 second warmup for the hotspot compiler. 100 trials of 1000ms each.
Other: 100 playouts, means calculated over the first 5 moves only to avoid distortion due to speedup at end of game.
Rotation (Half turn) lost each game as expected.
Reflection (X axis) lost each game as expected.
Reflection (Y axis) lost each game as expected.
Copy last move lost each game as expected.
Mirroring strategies attempt to copy the previous move. On first move, they will attempt to play in the centre. If neither of these are possible, they will pick a random move. Each entry represents a different form of copying; direct copy, reflection in either the X or Y axis, half-turn rotation.
1: Ginger win % | 58.20±3.08 | Includes draws = 50% |
2: Black win % | 41.80±3.02 | Includes draws = 50% |
Draw % | 0.00 | Percentage of games where all players draw. |
Decisive % | 100.00 | Percentage of games with a single winner. |
Samples | 1000 | Quantity of logged games played |
Note: that win/loss statistics may vary depending on thinking time (horizon effect, etc.), bad heuristics, bugs, and other factors, so should be taken with a pinch of salt. (Given perfect play, any game of pure skill will always end in the same result.)
Note: Ai Ai differentiates between states where all players draw or win or lose; this is mostly to support cooperative games.
Match | AI | Strong Wins | Draws | Strong Losses | #Games | Strong Score | p1 Win% | Draw% | p2 Win% | Game Length |
0 | Random | |||||||||
1 | UCT (its=2) | 615 | 0 | 385 | 1000 | 0.5845 <= 0.6150 <= 0.6447 | 51.10 | 0.00 | 48.90 | 76.75 |
2 | UCT (its=3) | 631 | 0 | 302 | 933 | 0.6456 <= 0.6763 <= 0.7056 | 49.73 | 0.00 | 50.27 | 75.30 |
3 | UCT (its=4) | 522 | 0 | 478 | 1000 | 0.4910 <= 0.5220 <= 0.5528 | 50.60 | 0.00 | 49.40 | 72.51 |
4 | UCT (its=5) | 527 | 0 | 473 | 1000 | 0.4960 <= 0.5270 <= 0.5578 | 52.70 | 0.00 | 47.30 | 72.87 |
5 | UCT (its=6) | 577 | 0 | 423 | 1000 | 0.5461 <= 0.5770 <= 0.6073 | 51.10 | 0.00 | 48.90 | 72.93 |
6 | UCT (its=7) | 597 | 0 | 403 | 1000 | 0.5663 <= 0.5970 <= 0.6270 | 47.70 | 0.00 | 52.30 | 72.56 |
7 | UCT (its=8) | 571 | 0 | 429 | 1000 | 0.5401 <= 0.5710 <= 0.6013 | 51.50 | 0.00 | 48.50 | 73.53 |
8 | UCT (its=9) | 584 | 0 | 416 | 1000 | 0.5532 <= 0.5840 <= 0.6142 | 51.00 | 0.00 | 49.00 | 71.93 |
9 | UCT (its=10) | 588 | 0 | 412 | 1000 | 0.5572 <= 0.5880 <= 0.6181 | 49.60 | 0.00 | 50.40 | 71.72 |
10 | UCT (its=11) | 585 | 0 | 415 | 1000 | 0.5542 <= 0.5850 <= 0.6152 | 50.50 | 0.00 | 49.50 | 72.19 |
11 | UCT (its=12) | 599 | 0 | 401 | 1000 | 0.5683 <= 0.5990 <= 0.6289 | 51.50 | 0.00 | 48.50 | 72.31 |
12 | UCT (its=13) | 610 | 0 | 390 | 1000 | 0.5794 <= 0.6100 <= 0.6398 | 50.20 | 0.00 | 49.80 | 72.14 |
13 | UCT (its=14) | 624 | 0 | 376 | 1000 | 0.5936 <= 0.6240 <= 0.6535 | 49.60 | 0.00 | 50.40 | 72.39 |
14 | UCT (its=15) | 627 | 0 | 373 | 1000 | 0.5966 <= 0.6270 <= 0.6564 | 50.30 | 0.00 | 49.70 | 71.28 |
15 | UCT (its=16) | 631 | 0 | 368 | 999 | 0.6013 <= 0.6316 <= 0.6610 | 50.55 | 0.00 | 49.45 | 71.87 |
16 | UCT (its=17) | 491 | 0 | 509 | 1000 | 0.4601 <= 0.4910 <= 0.5220 | 49.30 | 0.00 | 50.70 | 69.34 |
17 | UCT (its=18) | 505 | 0 | 495 | 1000 | 0.4741 <= 0.5050 <= 0.5359 | 53.30 | 0.00 | 46.70 | 70.03 |
18 | UCT (its=19) | 519 | 0 | 481 | 1000 | 0.4880 <= 0.5190 <= 0.5498 | 50.30 | 0.00 | 49.70 | 71.48 |
19 | UCT (its=20) | 510 | 0 | 490 | 1000 | 0.4790 <= 0.5100 <= 0.5409 | 49.40 | 0.00 | 50.60 | 70.14 |
20 | UCT (its=21) | 501 | 0 | 499 | 1000 | 0.4701 <= 0.5010 <= 0.5319 | 49.10 | 0.00 | 50.90 | 70.91 |
21 | UCT (its=22) | 535 | 0 | 465 | 1000 | 0.5040 <= 0.5350 <= 0.5657 | 50.10 | 0.00 | 49.90 | 69.58 |
22 | UCT (its=23) | 528 | 0 | 472 | 1000 | 0.4970 <= 0.5280 <= 0.5588 | 50.00 | 0.00 | 50.00 | 68.84 |
23 | UCT (its=24) | 561 | 0 | 439 | 1000 | 0.5301 <= 0.5610 <= 0.5915 | 49.10 | 0.00 | 50.90 | 69.08 |
24 | UCT (its=25) | 552 | 0 | 448 | 1000 | 0.5210 <= 0.5520 <= 0.5826 | 53.60 | 0.00 | 46.40 | 69.57 |
25 | UCT (its=26) | 590 | 0 | 410 | 1000 | 0.5592 <= 0.5900 <= 0.6201 | 50.40 | 0.00 | 49.60 | 67.58 |
26 | UCT (its=27) | 588 | 0 | 412 | 1000 | 0.5572 <= 0.5880 <= 0.6181 | 50.00 | 0.00 | 50.00 | 68.07 |
27 | UCT (its=28) | 599 | 0 | 401 | 1000 | 0.5683 <= 0.5990 <= 0.6289 | 51.30 | 0.00 | 48.70 | 67.84 |
28 | UCT (its=29) | 631 | 0 | 336 | 967 | 0.6220 <= 0.6525 <= 0.6819 | 48.50 | 0.00 | 51.50 | 67.75 |
29 | UCT (its=30) | 462 | 0 | 538 | 1000 | 0.4313 <= 0.4620 <= 0.4930 | 47.80 | 0.00 | 52.20 | 65.08 |
30 | UCT (its=31) | 532 | 0 | 468 | 1000 | 0.5010 <= 0.5320 <= 0.5627 | 49.60 | 0.00 | 50.40 | 65.92 |
31 | UCT (its=32) | 534 | 0 | 466 | 1000 | 0.5030 <= 0.5340 <= 0.5647 | 50.80 | 0.00 | 49.20 | 66.08 |
32 | UCT (its=33) | 545 | 0 | 455 | 1000 | 0.5140 <= 0.5450 <= 0.5756 | 49.30 | 0.00 | 50.70 | 65.64 |
33 | UCT (its=34) | 558 | 0 | 442 | 1000 | 0.5271 <= 0.5580 <= 0.5885 | 52.00 | 0.00 | 48.00 | 65.71 |
34 | UCT (its=35) | 559 | 0 | 441 | 1000 | 0.5281 <= 0.5590 <= 0.5895 | 50.30 | 0.00 | 49.70 | 65.27 |
35 | UCT (its=36) | 559 | 0 | 441 | 1000 | 0.5281 <= 0.5590 <= 0.5895 | 49.70 | 0.00 | 50.30 | 65.86 |
36 | UCT (its=98) | 631 | 0 | 130 | 761 | 0.8008 <= 0.8292 <= 0.8542 | 50.46 | 0.00 | 49.54 | 56.77 |
37 | UCT (its=266) | 631 | 0 | 173 | 804 | 0.7551 <= 0.7848 <= 0.8118 | 50.62 | 0.00 | 49.38 | 47.95 |
38 | UCT (its=723) | 631 | 0 | 102 | 733 | 0.8339 <= 0.8608 <= 0.8840 | 51.57 | 0.00 | 48.43 | 42.85 |
39 | UCT (its=1966) | 631 | 0 | 97 | 728 | 0.8401 <= 0.8668 <= 0.8895 | 50.14 | 0.00 | 49.86 | 39.49 |
40 | UCT (its=5343) | 631 | 0 | 122 | 753 | 0.8100 <= 0.8380 <= 0.8626 | 52.06 | 0.00 | 47.94 | 39.13 |
41 | UCT (its=5343) | 483 | 0 | 517 | 1000 | 0.4522 <= 0.4830 <= 0.5140 | 51.50 | 0.00 | 48.50 | 41.33 |
Search for levels ended: time limit reached.
Level of Play: Strong beats Weak 60% of the time (lower bound with 95% confidence).
Draw%, p1 win% and game length may give some indication of trends as AI strength increases.
This chart shows the win(green)/draw(black)/loss(red) percentages, as UCT play strength increases. Note that for most games, the top playing strength show here will be distinctly below human standard.
Game length | 49.39 | |
Branching factor | 35.08 |   |
Complexity | 10^69.21 | Based on game length and branching factor |
Samples | 1000 | Quantity of logged games played |
Computational complexity (where present) is an estimate of the game tree reachable through actual play. For each game in turn, Ai Ai marks the positions reached in a hashtable, then counts the number of new moves added to the table. Once all moves are applied, it treats this sequence as a geometric progression and calculates the sum as n-> infinity.
Board Size | 36 | Quantity of distinct board cells |
Distinct actions | 188 | Quantity of distinct moves (e.g. "e4") regardless of position in game tree |
Killer moves | 22 | A 'killer' move is selected by the AI more than 50% of the time Killers: xa4xb5xc6,xd4xd5xd6,xf2xe3xd4,xf1xf2xf3,xc1xd2xe3,xd1xe1xf1,xc4xd5xe6,xf4xf5xf6,xa1xb2xc3,xd1xd2xd3,xe1xd2xc3,xc4xc5xc6,xa1xb1xc1,xd3xe3xf3,xb4xc5xd6,xc1xd1xe1,xd6xe6xf6,xa4xa5xa6,xf1xe2xd3,xb6xc6xd6,xe4xd5xc6,xa2xa3xa4 |
Good moves | 139 | A good move is selected by the AI more than the average |
Bad moves | 49 | A bad move is selected by the AI less than the average |
Terrible moves | 1 | A terrible move is never selected by the AI Terrible moves: xe3xd4xc5 |
Response distance% | 35.74% | Distance from move to response / maximum board distance; a low value suggests a game is tactical rather than strategic. |
Samples | 1000 | Quantity of logged games played |
A mean of 63.46% of board locations were used per game.
Colour and size show the frequency of visits.
Game length frequencies.
Mean | 49.39 |
Mode | [45, 54] |
Median | 49.0 |
Table: branching factor per turn, based on a single representative* game. (* Representative in the sense that it is close to the mean game length.)
This chart is based on a single representative* game, and gives a feel for the types of moves available throughout that game. (* Representative in the sense that it is close to the mean game length.)
Red: removal, Black: move, Blue: Add, Grey: pass, Purple: swap sides, Brown: other.
Moves | Animation |
Kitten-a1,Kitten-b1,Kitten-a2,Kitten-a1,Kitten-b2,Kitten-b6,Kitten-a5,Kitten-b4 | ![]() |
Kitten-a1,Kitten-b1,Kitten-a2,Kitten-c1,Kitten-b2,Kitten-b6,Kitten-a5,Kitten-b4 | ![]() |
Kitten-a1,Kitten-b1,Kitten-a2,Kitten-a1,Kitten-b2,Kitten-e1,Kitten-a2,Kitten-b1 | ![]() |
Kitten-a1,Kitten-b1,Kitten-a2,Kitten-a1,Kitten-b2,Kitten-e1,Kitten-c2,Kitten-b1 | ![]() |
Kitten-a1,Kitten-b1,Kitten-a2,Kitten-c1,Kitten-b2,Kitten-e1,Kitten-a2,Kitten-b1 | ![]() |
Kitten-a1,Kitten-b1,Kitten-a2,Kitten-c1,Kitten-b2,Kitten-e1,Kitten-c2,Kitten-b1 | ![]() |
Kitten-a1,Kitten-b1,Kitten-a2,Kitten-a1,Kitten-b2,Kitten-e1,Kitten-a2 | ![]() |
Kitten-a1,Kitten-b1,Kitten-a2,Kitten-a1,Kitten-b2,Kitten-e1,Kitten-c2 | ![]() |
Kitten-a1,Kitten-b1,Kitten-a2,Kitten-a1,Kitten-b2,Kitten-b6,Kitten-a5 | ![]() |
Kitten-a1,Kitten-b1,Kitten-a2,Kitten-c1,Kitten-b2,Kitten-e1,Kitten-a2 | ![]() |
Kitten-a1,Kitten-b1,Kitten-a2,Kitten-c1,Kitten-b2,Kitten-e1,Kitten-c2 | ![]() |
Kitten-a1,Kitten-b1,Kitten-a2,Kitten-c1,Kitten-b2,Kitten-b6,Kitten-a5 | ![]() |
Colour shows the success ratio of this play over the first 10moves; black < red < yellow < white.
Size shows the frequency this move is played.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
1 | 36 | 1096 | 12774 | 121572 | 715799 | 4100134 | 18858788 |
Note: most games do not take board rotation and reflection into consideration.
Multi-part turns could be treated as the same or different depth depending on the implementation.
Counts to depth N include all moves reachable at lower depths.
Inaccuracies may also exist due to hash collisions, but Ai Ai uses 64-bit hashes so these will be a very small fraction of a percentage point.
No solutions found to depth 7.
Puzzle | Solution |
![]() Black to win in 16 moves | |
![]() Ginger to win in 18 moves | |
![]() Ginger to win in 11 moves | |
![]() Black to win in 10 moves | |
![]() Ginger to win in 8 moves | |
![]() Ginger to win in 5 moves | |
![]() Ginger to win in 6 moves | |
![]() Black to win in 6 moves | |
![]() Black to win in 6 moves | |
![]() Ginger to win in 4 moves | |
![]() Black to win in 6 moves | |
![]() Black to win in 4 moves |
Weak puzzle selection criteria are in place; the first move may not be unique.