Batik, by Kris Burm

Batik, while undoubtedly a game of skill, is not a strategy game. In fact, if I had to classify it at all, I'd call it a mixture of the old arcade game Tetris, and Bausack (sack of bricks)!

Each player starts with a set of wooden pieces, in various shapes. The playing area is formed from two sheets of perspex, parallel to each other, with just enough of a gap to allow the pieces to slide between them. Players take turns dropping pieces into the playing area, until one piece protrudes from the top of the perspex. The owner of that piece loses the round, and forfeits the offending piece. A new round begins, with the winner of the previous round playing first. Play continues until one player has no pieces when it is their turn to move; they lose the game.

That's all the rules there are to this simple game. (In fact, the inventor claims that he doesn't regard Batik as a game - more an agument that abstract games can be accessible to the public at large, not just die-hard gamers like me...) Play is fast, and requires a mixture of spatial awareness and digital dexterity rather than heavy thinking, so it appeals to everyone - at least, everyone I've played!