Driven // Despair (hou) 157 #Aftermath
Supply // Demand (dis) 157
Indulge // Excess (ncc) 46 #top10k #Treasure #Aftermath
Rags // Riches (akh) 222 #Aftermath
Dusk // Dawn (akh) 210 #top1k #Aftermath
Claim // Fame (hou) 150 #Aftermath
Flesh // Blood (dgm) 128 #Fuse
Armed // Dangerous (dgm) 122 #Fuse
Push // Pull (mkm) 250
Alive // Well (dgm) 121 #Fuse
Reason // Believe (hou) 154 #Aftermath #Scry
#r= gives the edhrec rank of the card; the lower the ranking, the more decks the card is played in.