Kindred Report for Berserker


Kindred Report for Berserker

The information here is taken from the Scryfall bulk data feeds. I'll aim to update this page after each new set release; if I don't, give me a nudge! (contact details: I'm mrraow most places, including gmail)
This page was last generated at 09/02/2025, 10:22


Cards by year
Cards by type and colour
Mean Card Rank17459
Sum(Card Values)78,61 €
Earliest illustration 1994-06-01
Latest illustration 2025-02-14
Best ranked card 2021-02-05
khm#216 Rank 992
Most expensive card 2024-11-04
sld#1737 €30.99

Commander Decks

These decks have (almost) everything you need; basic land, cards, and a suitable commander, all illustrated by the same artist.

There are enough lands and cards in a subset of the commander's colours to make a viable deck, but you may not be able to cast the commander or use their activated abilities.
No commander
There are enough lands and cards in a colour combination to make a viable deck, but no suitable commander.
Low Card Count
Quantity of non-land cards is too low; but with a strong enough commander, this may not matter!
Pauper EDH
Pauper EDH - uncommon creature at the helm, the rest have been printed at common at least once.
pre EDH
pre EDH - only allows cards printed before the first official Commander product.
Artist Commander Colours #Cards Median EDHRank Est. Cost (€) Notes
BerserkerMagda, the Hoardmaster updatedRed80691355-146
Arni Brokenbrow updatedRed80691355-146
Kardur, Doomscourge updatedRakdos110691355-146
Vial Smasher the Fierce updatedRakdos110691355-146
Garna, Bloodfist of Keld updatedRakdos110691355-146
Alexios, Deimos of Kosmos updatedRed80691355-146
Okaun, Eye of Chaos updatedRed80691355-146
Arni Metalbrow updatedRed80691355-146
Wolverine, Best There Is updatedGruul98691355-146
Magda, Brazen Outlaw updatedRed80691355-146
Khârn the Betrayer updatedRed80691355-146
Strong, the Brutish ThespianGreen8691355-146Low Card Count
Balduvian Atrocity updatedRakdos48128753-16Pauper EDH
Ogre Siegebreaker updatedRakdos48129303-16Pauper EDH
Gastal Thrillseeker updatedRakdos48129663-17Pauper EDH
Fearless Liberator updatedRed38131304-20Pauper EDH
Bloodbraid Elf updatedGruul47131674-20Pauper EDH
Insatiable Gorgers updatedRed38131764-20Pauper EDH
Hellraiser Goblin updatedRed38131834-20Pauper EDH
Fearless Skald updatedRed38131874-20Pauper EDH
Razorkin Hordecaller updatedRed38131904-20Pauper EDH
Lightning Mauler updatedRed38131964-20Pauper EDH
Lightning Berserker updatedRed38131974-20Pauper EDH
Balduvian Berserker updatedRed38132034-20Pauper EDH
Doomskar Titan updatedRed38132044-20Pauper EDH
Kolaghan Forerunners updatedRed38132104-20Pauper EDH
Horde Ambusher updatedRed38132224-20Pauper EDH
Furyblade Vampire updatedRed38132244-20Pauper EDH
Stormblood Berserker updatedRed38132324-20Pauper EDH
Warbringer updatedRed38132334-20Pauper EDH
Minotaur Aggressor updatedRed38132384-20Pauper EDH
Voltaic Visionary // Volt-Charged Berserker updatedRed38132444-20Pauper EDH
Frenzied Raider updatedRed38132464-20Pauper EDH
Battlesong Berserker updatedRed38132514-20Pauper EDH
Ravenous Bloodseeker updatedRed38132664-20Pauper EDH
Raging Goblin updatedRed38132744-14Pauper EDH
Altac Bloodseeker updatedRed38132764-20Pauper EDH
Goblin Berserker updatedRed38132784-20Pauper EDH
Rubblebelt Rioters updatedGruul47132804-18Pauper EDH
Unchained Berserker updatedRed38132814-20Pauper EDH
Aerathi Berserker updatedRed38132826-22Pauper EDH
Spiraling Duelist updatedRed38132864-20Pauper EDH
Dwarven Strike Force updatedRed38132884-20Pauper EDH
Blood Aspirant updatedRed38132904-20Pauper EDH
Frenzied Goblin updatedRed38132984-20Pauper EDH
Flame-Kin Zealot updatedBoros39133193-19Pauper EDH
Ruination Rioter updatedGruul47133294-18Pauper EDH
Zhur-Taa Goblin updatedGruul47133364-18Pauper EDH