Kindred Report for Construct


Kindred Report for Construct

The information here is taken from the Scryfall bulk data feeds. I'll aim to update this page after each new set release; if I don't, give me a nudge! (contact details: I'm mrraow most places, including gmail)
This page was last generated at 09/02/2025, 10:22


Cards by year
Cards by type and colour
Mean Card Rank15094
Sum(Card Values)638,81 €
Earliest illustration 1993-12-17
Latest illustration 2025-02-14
Best ranked card 2016-09-30
kld#215 Rank 265
Most expensive card 1994-03-04
atq#73 €138.16

Commander Decks

These decks have (almost) everything you need; basic land, cards, and a suitable commander, all illustrated by the same artist.

There are enough lands and cards in a subset of the commander's colours to make a viable deck, but you may not be able to cast the commander or use their activated abilities.
No commander
There are enough lands and cards in a colour combination to make a viable deck, but no suitable commander.
Low Card Count
Quantity of non-land cards is too low; but with a strong enough commander, this may not matter!
Pauper EDH
Pauper EDH - uncommon creature at the helm, the rest have been printed at common at least once.
pre EDH
pre EDH - only allows cards printed before the first official Commander product.
Artist Commander Colours #Cards Median EDHRank Est. Cost (€) Notes
ConstructThe Peregrine Dynamo updatedColourless162268096-1124
Traxos, Scourge of Kroog updatedColourless162268096-1124
Codie, Vociferous Codex updatedAll218269496-1125
Sundial, Dawn Tyrant updatedWhite173286396-1124
Heavyweight Demolisher updatedRed65109896-904Pauper EDH
Swooping Lookout updatedWhite65110836-904Pauper EDH
Combat Thresher updatedWhite65110886-904Pauper EDH
Millikin updatedColourless61111437-919Pauper EDH
Containment Construct updatedColourless61111447-919Pauper EDH
Memnite updatedColourless61111489-925Pauper EDH
Chief of the Foundry updatedColourless61111537-919Pauper EDH
Rug of Smothering updatedColourless61111667-919Pauper EDH
Mindless Automaton updatedColourless61111827-919Pauper EDH
Towashi Guide-Bot updatedColourless61111847-919Pauper EDH
Patchwork Automaton updatedColourless61111897-919Pauper EDH
Voltaic Construct updatedColourless61112077-919Pauper EDH
Treasure Keeper updatedColourless61112097-919Pauper EDH
Su-Chi Cave Guard updatedColourless61112127-919Pauper EDH
Gate Colossus updatedColourless61112127-919Pauper EDH
Lupine Prototype updatedColourless61112197-920Pauper EDH
Viseling updatedColourless61112277-919Pauper EDH
Foreboding Statue // Forsaken Thresher updatedColourless61112327-919Pauper EDH
Ashnod's Harvester updatedBlack63112337-904Pauper EDH
Shambling Suit updatedColourless61112417-919Pauper EDH
Sunbird Standard // Sunbird Effigy updatedColourless61112427-919Pauper EDH
Walking Skyscraper updatedColourless61112427-919Pauper EDH
Salvager of Ruin updatedColourless61112497-919Pauper EDH
Reito Sentinel updatedColourless61112527-919Pauper EDH
Epochrasite updatedColourless61112527-919Pauper EDH
Mystic Skull // Mystic Monstrosity updatedColourless61112617-919Pauper EDH
Crackdown Construct updatedColourless61112767-919Pauper EDH
Inquisitive Puppet updatedColourless61112777-919Pauper EDH
Monoskelion updatedColourless61112837-919Pauper EDH
Serrated Biskelion updatedColourless61112867-919Pauper EDH
Runaway Trash-Bot updatedColourless61112947-919Pauper EDH
Ambulatory Edifice updatedBlack63113006-904Pauper EDH
Grapeshot Catapult updatedColourless61113027-934Pauper EDH
Iron League Steed updatedColourless61113047-934Pauper EDH
Peace Strider updatedColourless61113047-934Pauper EDH
Pierce Strider updatedColourless61113047-934Pauper EDH
Magnetic Snuffler updatedColourless61113047-919Pauper EDH
Runed Servitor updatedColourless61113077-934Pauper EDH
Cathodion updatedColourless61113097-934Pauper EDH
Foundry Inspector updatedColourless61113117-927Pauper EDH
Su-Chi updatedColourless611131790-1002Pauper EDH
Rackling updatedColourless61113277-919Pauper EDH
Spincrusher updatedColourless61113287-919Pauper EDH
Phyrexian Ironfoot updatedColourless61113467-919Pauper EDH
Brass Man updatedColourless61113527-1298Pauper EDH
Scuttling Butler updatedColourless61113557-919Pauper EDH
Ugin's Construct updatedColourless61113637-919Pauper EDH
Brass Secretary updatedColourless61113697-919Pauper EDH
Haunted Guardian updatedColourless61113757-919Pauper EDH
Runaway Carriage updatedColourless61113797-919Pauper EDH
Kiln Walker updatedColourless61113897-919Pauper EDH
Chrome Replicator updatedColourless61113917-919Pauper EDH
Pit Automaton updatedColourless61113957-919Pauper EDH
Geistcatcher's Rig updatedColourless61113967-919Pauper EDH
Duskworker updatedColourless61113967-919Pauper EDH
Synod Centurion updatedColourless61113987-919Pauper EDH
Hopping Automaton updatedColourless61113987-919Pauper EDH
Onulet updatedColourless61114007-1294Pauper EDH
Street Sweeper updatedColourless61114017-919Pauper EDH
Diabolic Machine updatedColourless61114017-919Pauper EDH
Cogwork Tracker updatedColourless61114027-919Pauper EDH
Thran War Machine updatedColourless61114047-919Pauper EDH
Goblin Dirigible updatedColourless61114067-919Pauper EDH
Agent of Acquisitions updatedColourless61114097-919Pauper EDH