Kindred Report for Horror


Kindred Report for Horror

The information here is taken from the Scryfall bulk data feeds. I'll aim to update this page after each new set release; if I don't, give me a nudge! (contact details: I'm mrraow most places, including gmail)
This page was last generated at 09/02/2025, 10:22


Cards by year
Cards by type and colour
Mean Card Rank14127
Sum(Card Values)480,20 €
Earliest illustration 1994-06-01
Latest illustration 2024-09-27
Best ranked card 2023-02-03
one#23 Rank 302
Most expensive card 1994-06-01
leg#104 €37.01

Commander Decks

These decks have (almost) everything you need; basic land, cards, and a suitable commander, all illustrated by the same artist.

There are enough lands and cards in a subset of the commander's colours to make a viable deck, but you may not be able to cast the commander or use their activated abilities.
No commander
There are enough lands and cards in a colour combination to make a viable deck, but no suitable commander.
Low Card Count
Quantity of non-land cards is too low; but with a strong enough commander, this may not matter!
Pauper EDH
Pauper EDH - uncommon creature at the helm, the rest have been printed at common at least once.
pre EDH
pre EDH - only allows cards printed before the first official Commander product.
Artist Commander Colours #Cards Median EDHRank Est. Cost (€) Notes
HorrorZopandrel, Hunger DominusGreen341830182-3040
Sméagol, Helpful GuideGolgari2101830182-3040
The Gitrog MonsterGolgari2101830182-3040
Gollum, Patient PlotterBlack1721830182-3040
Arvinox, the Mind FlailBlack1721830182-3040
K'rrik, Son of YawgmothBlack1721830182-3040
Old StickfingersGolgari2101830182-3040
The Gitrog, Ravenous RideGolgari2101830183-3031
Toxrill, the CorrosiveDimir2321830182-3040
Grazilaxx, Illithid ScholarBlue531830182-3040
Tekuthal, Inquiry DominusBlue531830182-3040
Sauron, the Dark LordGrixis2601830182-3040
Thalia and The Gitrog MonsterAbzan2241830182-3040
Gollum, Obsessed StalkerBlack1721830182-3040
Drivnod, Carnage DominusBlack1721830182-3040
Sauron, the NecromancerBlack1721830182-3040
Yarok, the DesecratedSultai2751830182-3040
Sauron, Lord of the RingsGrixis2601830182-3040
Captain N'ghathrodDimir2321830182-3040
Gisela, the Broken BladeWhite171830182-3040Low Card Count
Solphim, Mayhem DominusRed171830182-3040Low Card Count
Mondrak, Glory DominusWhite171830182-3040Low Card Count
Bruna, the Fading LightWhite171830182-3040Low Card Count
Abomination of LlanowarGolgari2101831182-3027
Kraum, Ludevic's OpusIzzet681841182-3036
The Master of KeysEsper2471849182-3028
Umbris, Fear ManifestDimir2321851188-3034
Obosh, the PreypiercerRakdos1911856182-3155
Grakmaw, Skyclave RavagerGolgari2101860182-3027
Gollum, Scheming GuideBlack1721864182-3034
Runo Stromkirk // Krothuss, Lord of the DeepDimir2321865182-3028
Sauron, the Lidless EyeRakdos1911875184-3071
Kraum, Violent CacophonyIzzet681886182-3027
Uchbenbak, the Great MistakeDimir2321911182-3027
Tsabo TavocRakdos1911978182-3028
Greel, Mind RakerBlack1721983182-3027
Horrid ShadowspinnerDimir70110184-43Pauper EDH
Ravenous ChupacabraBlack53110685-60Pauper EDH
Psychic SymbiontDimir70110924-43Pauper EDH
Monstrous War-LeechDimir70111054-43Pauper EDH
Plague SpitterBlack53111295-56Pauper EDH
Void BeckonerBlack53111315-56Pauper EDH
Canker AbominationGolgari62111385-47Pauper EDH
Dusk ManglerBlack53111445-53Pauper EDH
Dinrova HorrorDimir70111554-43Pauper EDH
Reaper of SheoldredBlack53111555-54Pauper EDH
Flesh ReaverBlack53111575-54Pauper EDH
Yarok's FenlurkerBlack53111585-54Pauper EDH
FleshwritherBlack53111615-54Pauper EDH
Stinging Cave CrawlerBlack53111625-53Pauper EDH
Gurgling AnointerBlack53111635-53Pauper EDH
Chupacabra EchoBlack53111685-53Pauper EDH
Skyclave ShadowcatBlack53111745-53Pauper EDH
Eater of the DeadBlack53111798-63Pauper EDH
Cloistered Youth // Unholy FiendOrzov54111795-53Pauper EDH
NothicBlack53111965-53Pauper EDH
Netherborn PhalanxBlack53111995-54Pauper EDH
Abyssal GorestalkerBlack53112015-53Pauper EDH
Mage HunterBlack53112065-53Pauper EDH
Morkrut NecropodBlack53112155-53Pauper EDH
Enslaved HorrorBlack53112185-54Pauper EDH
Visage of Dread // Dread OsseosaurBlack53112215-53Pauper EDH
Vile ManifestationBlack53112215-53Pauper EDH
Mesmeric FiendBlack53112435-54Pauper EDH
Faceless ButcherBlack53112475-54Pauper EDH
Ravenous NecrotitanBlack53112495-53Pauper EDH
Slum ReaperBlack53112505-54Pauper EDH
Phyrexian GargantuaBlack53112515-54Pauper EDH
PhantasmagorianBlack53112715-54Pauper EDH
Faceless DevourerBlack53112715-53Pauper EDH
Lurking ChupacabraBlack53112725-53Pauper EDH
Wasp of the Bitter EndBlack53112775-54Pauper EDH
Cateran EnforcerBlack53112955-54Pauper EDH
AbominationBlack53112995-56Pauper EDH
Slithery StalkerBlack53112995-53Pauper EDH
Boneshard SlasherBlack53113005-54Pauper EDH
Hooded HorrorBlack53113015-53Pauper EDH
Rathi FiendBlack53113025-53Pauper EDH
Spined FlukeBlack53113105-53Pauper EDH
Hidden HorrorBlack53113165-55Pauper EDH
Childhood HorrorBlack53113195-53Pauper EDH
Necrogen ScudderBlack53113205-53Pauper EDH
Corrupted HarvesterBlack53113215-53Pauper EDH
Primeval ShamblerBlack53113285-54Pauper EDH
Grim StriderBlack53113325-53Pauper EDH
Urborg ShamblerBlack53113375-53Pauper EDH
Face of FearBlack53113415-53Pauper EDH
Rootcoil CreeperSimic24113453-5Pauper EDH
Skittering MonstrosityBlack53113465-53Pauper EDH
Grief TyrantRakdos56113965-51Pauper EDH
Shambling RemainsRakdos56114225-51Pauper EDH
Lashweed LurkerSimic24114533-5Pauper EDH