Kindred Report for Snake


Kindred Report for Snake

The information here is taken from the Scryfall bulk data feeds. I'll aim to update this page after each new set release; if I don't, give me a nudge! (contact details: I'm mrraow most places, including gmail)
This page was last generated at 09/02/2025, 10:23


Cards by year
Cards by type and colour
Mean Card Rank14195
Sum(Card Values)104,44 €
Earliest illustration 1993-12-17
Latest illustration 2025-02-14
Best ranked card 2004-10-01
chk#239 Rank 86
Most expensive card 2024-08-02
blb#107 €8.07

Commander Decks

These decks have (almost) everything you need; basic land, cards, and a suitable commander, all illustrated by the same artist.

There are enough lands and cards in a subset of the commander's colours to make a viable deck, but you may not be able to cast the commander or use their activated abilities.
No commander
There are enough lands and cards in a colour combination to make a viable deck, but no suitable commander.
Low Card Count
Quantity of non-land cards is too low; but with a strong enough commander, this may not matter!
Pauper EDH
Pauper EDH - uncommon creature at the helm, the rest have been printed at common at least once.
pre EDH
pre EDH - only allows cards printed before the first official Commander product.
Artist Commander Colours #Cards Median EDHRank Est. Cost (€) Notes
SnakeImoti, Celebrant of Bounty updatedSimic121337052-411
Seshiro the Anointed updatedGreen85337052-411
Xyris, the Writhing Storm updatedTemur126337052-411
Kaseto, Orochi Archmage updatedSimic121337052-411
Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer updatedSultai154337052-411
Shigeki, Jukai Visionary updatedGreen85337052-411
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant updatedSultai154337052-411
Sakiko, Mother of Summer updatedGreen85337052-411
Sidisi, Undead Vizier updatedBlack31337052-411
Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper updatedGolgari115337052-411
Chishiro, the Shattered Blade updatedGruul88337052-411
Shizuko, Caller of Autumn updatedGreen85337052-411
Lonis, Cryptozoologist updatedSimic121337052-411
Omarthis, Ghostfire InitiateColourless3337052-411Low Card Count
Lonis, Genetics Expert updatedSimic121337356-415
Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro updatedGreen85338151-409
Sosuke, Son of Seshiro updatedGreen85339151-409
Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant // Sasaya's Essence updatedGreen85340852-410
Orochi Eggwatcher // Shidako, Broodmistress updatedGreen85342951-409
Shisato, Whispering Hunter updatedGreen85343051-409
SkullwinderGreen45105946-47Pauper EDH
Wasteland ViperGreen45106386-47Pauper EDH
Orochi Merge-KeeperGreen45106436-47Pauper EDH
Noose ConstrictorGreen45106686-47Pauper EDH
Sultai Soothsayer updatedSultai70106919-42Pauper EDH
Mold AdderGreen45107026-47Pauper EDH
Kashi-Tribe EliteGreen45107187-47Pauper EDH
Nessian AspGreen45107266-48Pauper EDH
Nemesis of MortalsGreen45107266-47Pauper EDH
Mire BoaGreen45107456-48Pauper EDH
River BoaGreen45107466-44Pauper EDH
Sultai FlayerGreen45107776-47Pauper EDH
Kashi-Tribe ReaverGreen45107796-47Pauper EDH
AnacondaGreen45107866-52Pauper EDH
Watchful NagaGreen45107926-47Pauper EDH
Dune DivinerGreen45108136-47Pauper EDH
Devotee of StrengthGreen45108296-47Pauper EDH
Boa ConstrictorGreen45108386-47Pauper EDH
Voracious CobraGruul46109046-46Pauper EDH
Winding Constrictor updatedGolgari551100210-52Pauper EDH
Lorescale CoatlSimic60110025-40Pauper EDH
Weaver of CurrentsSimic60110605-39Pauper EDH
Patagia ViperSimic60110946-40Pauper EDH
Coiling OracleSimic60110966-40Pauper EDH
Skyserpent SeekerSimic60111595-39Pauper EDH