Kindred Report for Warlock


Kindred Report for Warlock

The information here is taken from the Scryfall bulk data feeds. I'll aim to update this page after each new set release; if I don't, give me a nudge! (contact details: I'm mrraow most places, including gmail)
This page was last generated at 09/02/2025, 10:23


Cards by year
Cards by type and colour
Mean Card Rank10490
Sum(Card Values)164,37 €
Earliest illustration 2009-07-17
Latest illustration 2025-02-14
Best ranked card 2024-06-14
mh3#239 Rank 944
Most expensive card 2022-12-02
j22#19 €36.95

Commander Decks

These decks have (almost) everything you need; basic land, cards, and a suitable commander, all illustrated by the same artist.

There are enough lands and cards in a subset of the commander's colours to make a viable deck, but you may not be able to cast the commander or use their activated abilities.
No commander
There are enough lands and cards in a colour combination to make a viable deck, but no suitable commander.
Low Card Count
Quantity of non-land cards is too low; but with a strong enough commander, this may not matter!
Pauper EDH
Pauper EDH - uncommon creature at the helm, the rest have been printed at common at least once.
pre EDH
pre EDH - only allows cards printed before the first official Commander product.
Artist Commander Colours #Cards Median EDHRank Est. Cost (€) Notes
WarlockFain, the BrokerBlack70342295-329
Shaile, Dean of Radiance // Embrose, Dean of ShadowOrzov85342295-329
Camellia, the SeedmiserGolgari86342295-329
Totentanz, Swarm PiperRakdos84342295-329
Prosper, Tome-BoundRakdos84342295-329
Killian, Ink DuelistOrzov85342295-329
Obeka, Splitter of Seconds updatedGrixis98342295-329
Tivash, Gloom SummonerBlack70342295-329
Gisa, the HellraiserBlack70342295-329
Baba Lysaga, Night WitchGolgari86342295-329
Kaervek, the PunisherBlack70342295-329
Alela, Artful Provocateur updatedEsper97342295-329
Valentin, Dean of the Vein // Lisette, Dean of the RootGolgari86342295-329
Gyome, Master ChefGolgari86342295-329
Zoyowa Lava-TongueRakdos84342295-329
Marina Vendrell updatedAll139342295-329
Rivaz of the ClawRakdos84342295-329
Alela, Cunning Conqueror updatedDimir79342295-329
Victor, Valgavoth's SeneschalOrzov85342295-329
Ashcoat of the Shadow SwarmBlack70342295-329
Vihaan, GoldwakerMardu101342295-329
Eriette of the Charmed AppleOrzov85342295-329
Honest RutsteinGolgari86342295-329
Zul Ashur, Lich LordBlack70342295-329
Eris, Roar of the StormIzzet14342295-329Low Card Count
Agatha of the Vile CauldronGruul14342295-329Low Card Count
Hylda of the Icy CrownAzorius10342295-329Low Card Count
Geralf, the FleshwrightBlue4342295-329Low Card Count
Katilda, Dawnhart Martyr // Katilda's Rising DawnWhite5342295-329Low Card Count
Saryth, the Viper's FangGreen5342295-329Low Card Count
Katilda, Dawnhart PrimeSelesnya12342295-329Low Card Count
Kaervek, the SpitefulBlack70342395-328
Extus, Oriq Overlord // Awaken the Blood AvatarMardu101342695-331
Lynde, Cheerful Tormentor updatedGrixis98342896-330
Wick, the Whorled Mind updatedGrixis98342995-329
Headliner ScarlettRed8343698-331Low Card Count
Winter, Misanthropic GuideJund102343795-328
Winter, Cynical OpportunistGolgari86344395-328
Farideh, Devil's ChosenIzzet14344395-328Low Card Count
Kels, Fight Fixer updatedDimir79345995-328
Eriette, the Beguiler updatedEsper97346095-328
Shessra, Death's WhisperGolgari86347395-328
Nazar, the Velvet FangBlack70352695-328
Winter, Cursed RiderDimir79358895-329
Fireglass MentorRakdos20104454-5Pauper EDH
Flamecache GeckoRakdos20104504-5Pauper EDH
Wardens of the CycleGolgari23106194-4Pauper EDH
Spellscorn Coven // Take It BackDimir21106464-4Pauper EDH
Starseer MentorOrzov22110034-4Pauper EDH
Shadewing LaureateOrzov22110674-4Pauper EDH
Silverquill ApprenticeOrzov22111284-4Pauper EDH