Magic: the Gathering Artist Commander Resources


With Magic: the Gathering reaching its 30th anniversary, I wanted to celebrate the many artists who have been central to bringing the many worlds of Magic alive... and what better way to do it than through Magic's most popular format, commander?

And so I have written a programme to process the Scryfall bulk data feeds and find artists and commanders for which decks are possible. By possible I mean they have:

There is absolutely no guarantee that any of the decks will play well, due to the limited pool of cards.

I'll aim to update this list after each new set release; if I don't, give me nudge! The current set was generated at 09/02/2025, 10:22

- Stephen Tavener (mrraow)


The lists here contain all commander-legal cards for a given commander and artist combination; you may have to do some pruning to get down to 100.

For your convenience, I have tried to list the cards in a format which can be pasted into Moxfield with little effort.

I found a few corner cases for legal commanders, listed below. Let me know what I'm missing!

A deck that is marked as updated has gained new cards recently. The current definition of 'recently' is on or after 30/11/2024.

The Decks

There are quite a few viable and almost-viable decks now, so I've condensed my report down to a table. Click through to the artist to see all the decks you can build. Note that I have categorised decks as follows:

A complete deck, with commander, basics, and sufficient other cards.
Near Miss
One thing is missing to make this a viable deck. When you click through to the artist, you'll get more information about what's missing.
Pauper EDH
A complete pauper EDH deck (an uncommon creature commander, and only common cards maindeck).
A complete preEDH deck ()commander rules with no cards after the first official commander product was printed.
Artist Viable Decks Near Misses Pauper EDh pre EDh
Aaron Miller updated 9  
Adam Paquette updated 22  
Adam Rex 4  
Alan Pollack 11  
Aleksi Briclot 7  
Alexander Mokhov updated 4  
Alix Branwyn updated 1  
Amy Weber 2  
Anastasia Ovchinnikova 1  
Anato Finnstark 1  
Andrew Mar updated 6  
Anna Steinbauer 4  
Anson Maddocks 1  
Anthony Palumbo 2  
Anthony S. Waters 9  
Antonio José Manzanedo updated 3  
Bastien L. Deharme 1  
Brandi Milne updated 1  
Brent Hollowell updated 3  
Brian Valeza updated 1  
Bryan Sola updated 1  
Cabrol & Scott Okumura 2  
Caio Monteiro updated 2  
Campbell White updated 14  
Carl Critchlow updated 11  
Chase Stone updated 46  
Chase Stone 9  
Chippy 7  
Chris Rahn856  
Chris Rallis updated 33  
Chris Seaman updated 2  
Christopher Moeller463 
Christopher Rush 4  
Clint Cearley 2  
Craig J Spearing updated 1  
Cristi Balanescu updated 7  
Cynthia Sheppard updated 1  
D. Alexander Gregory 1  
Dan Frazier 2  
Dan Murayama Scott19  
Daniel Correia 1  
Daniel Ljunggren 5  
Daren Bader updated 13  
Darrell Riche updated 1  
Dave Dorman 1  
Dave Kendall updated 2  
David Gaillet 1  
David Palumbo updated 2  
Deruchenko Alexander updated 1  
Dmitry Burmak updated 10  
Dominik Mayer updated 7  
Donato Giancola updated181  
Douglas Shuler updated1   
Edward P. Beard, Jr.32  
Ekaterina Burmak updated 1  
Eric Deschamps 20  
Fajareka Setiawan updated 1  
Filip Burburan updated 12  
Franz Vohwinkel updated 1  
Gabor Szikszai15  
Glen Angus 1  
GodMachine updated 4  
Greg Hildebrandt 5  
Greg Staples5262 
Grzegorz Rutkowski 5  
Heather Hudson 1  
Helge C. Balzer updated 1  
Howard Lyon 6  
Igor Kieryluk 18  
Ilse Gort 1  
Izzy updated 9  
Jaime Jones 7  
James Paick 10  
James Ryman 5  
Jason Chan 1  
Jason Felix 3  
Jason Rainville 13  
Jeff Miracola 8  
Jesper Ejsing updated315  
Jim Murray 2  
Jim Nelson 1  
Joe Slucher 1  
Johann Bodin updated 4  
Johannes Voss511  
John Avon221 
John Stanko updated 6  
Joseph Meehan 4  
Josh Hass updated 2  
Joshua Raphael 1  
Josu Hernaiz 4  
Justyna Dura updated 4  
Karl Kopinski updated 10  
Kekai Kotaki updated 6  
Kev Walker updated34 181
Kieran Yanner updated 37  
Lars Grant-West updated 3  
Lie Setiawan updated 12  
Lius Lasahido updated 9  
Livia Prima 2  
Lucas Graciano updated845 
Magali Villeneuve updated2628  
Manuel Castañón 2  
Mark Poole updated71  
Mark Tedin updated721 
Mark Zug updated6106 
Marta Nael updated 2  
Mathias Kollros updated 7  
Matt Cavotta 7  
Matt Stewart 36  
Matthew D. Wilson updated 1  
Mike Bierek 2  
Milivoj Ćeran updated 2  
Nicholas Gregory updated 6  
Nils Hamm updated 6  
Néstor Ossandón Leal 1  
Paolo Parente4   
Pete Venters updated66  
Randy Gallegos 5  
Randy Vargas 13  
Raoul Vitale updated 4  
Raymond Swanland updated 12  
Rebecca Guay2   
Richard Kane Ferguson updated 5  
Rob Alexander2   
Ron Spears updated 3  
Ron Spencer updated 5  
Ryan Pancoast updated435  
Scott M. Fischer updated 14  
Scott Murphy 2  
Seb McKinnon11  
Sidharth Chaturvedi 4  
Simon Dominic updated 9  
Slawomir Maniak updated 17  
Steve Argyle 3  
Steve Ellis updated 1  
Steve Prescott65  
Steven Belledin104  
Svetlin Velinov updated241  
Terese Nielsen42  
Thomas M. Baxa 4  
Tim Hildebrandt 3  
Titus Lunter updated 2  
Todd Lockwood 3  
Tomasz Jedruszek 2  
Tony Szczudlo 1  
Tyler Jacobson updated 13  
Tyler Walpole 1  
Uriah Voth 1  
Victor Adame Minguez updated 26  
Viktor Titov 1  
Vincent Proce24  
Volkan Baǵa updated115  
Volta Creation 4  
Warren Mahy 5  
Wayne Reynolds updated 16  
Willian Murai 1  
Winona Nelson updated 6  
Yeong-Hao Han updated51  
Yongjae Choi 15  
Zack Stella 8  
Zezhou Chen updated 6  
Zoltan Boros17162 
rk post updated11  


These are commander decks with two or more by artists. I include in this section artists who frequently collaborate (>= 3 cards) and have illustrated cards alone, plus a few other connected artists I have added manually. Relationships I'm aware of (tell me what I'm missing):

Note that there will be inevitably overlap between the decks in this section and the sections above.

Collaboration Viable Decks Near Misses Pauper EDh pre EDh
Jana Schirmer+Johannes Voss512  
Zoltan Boros+Gabor Szikszai19143 
Josh Newton+Cabrol & Scott Okumura updated 2  
Greg Hildebrandt+Tim Hildebrandt 5  
Anthony S. Waters+Cara Mitten 10  
Terese Nielsen+Ron Spencer updated12 52
Kaja Foglio+Phil Foglio 1  
David Robert Hovey+Cabrol & Scott Okumura 2  
Chippy+Matthew D. Wilson updated25  
McKinnon/Vest/Tucker/Hamm updated9 12 
Justyna+Piotr Dura updated58  
Kaja+Phil Foglio 1  
Gelon+Hudson 3  
Rebecca,Sam Guay2   
Danner+Guay updated23  
Ekaterina+Dmitry Burmak updated 43  
Cliff+Terese Nielsen42  
Baǵa+Giancola updated35 4 
Leonard+Snoddy 1  
Alpha artists updated61 26848